Yep, this blog has won a creative award! Can you believe it?
Now it really surprised me, as I don’t think of this blog as creative at all. All I do is write about the things I know. I don’t design anything, I don’t share the pictures I draw, I don’t even show the things I have made from other people’s patterns, but Angela, in her wisdom, has decided to bestow this award on me despite all of that, and who am I to argue?
But it has set me thinking. Perhaps I should start working a little harder to make this blog a little more, er you know, creative!
Now for me that is going to be a bit of a challenge, as I don’t think of myself as being very creative except when it comes to my story writing, which I don’t share here, (I think it would confuse things, mixing fact and fiction). In fact I don’t share my writing on anything more than a one to one basis, people ask to see what I write and I send them a whole story, which can be a bit of a whammy as my story’s are normally in the form of a whole book as I witter on too much to write that many short stories! Lol
Now here comes the sticky bit, I think I am supposed to pass on this award to other blogs, but I really don’t know how to do this, so I’m hoping Angela will take pity on me and send me a detailed list of instructions! (Hint hint!)
And in the mean time I think I’ll write a post about getting tea stains off crockery, the easy way!
LOL! You are creative, Sue, in the simplest ways. You don't have to nominate other bloggers, but I just went through the list of blogs I follow, and chose randomly.
Oh boy, now who do I choose? There are so many talented people out there!
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