Thursday, 29 January 2009

Removing tea/coffee stains the easy way

Now my Husband is a tea-o-holic, and I am equally as bad with both tea and coffee.

For years the stains that were left on the cups and tea pot used to drive me crazy and I’d spend many an hour scrubbing away only to see them re-appear within a matter of days.

Then one day I got a tip, it was so long ago I can’t now remember if I read it online or if someone actually told me about it, but once tried, I have never looked back!

The reason I hadn’t thought of this trick before is because I don’t have, and never have had a dishwasher, so it just didn’t occur to me to try it. This tip isn't a money saver, as it costs a few pennies more than just plain scrubbing, but what it costs is, in my mind, counter balanced by the time it saves me!

Anyway on with the tip;

• Put the dirty crockery that you need cleaned into a large bowl, or the sink, making sure the receptacle is big enough to cover all the crockery with water.
• Place one cheap dishwasher tablet in the bottom of the bowl, and fill the bowl with very hot water.
• Go away for half an hour and put your feet up.
• Rinse crockery thoroughly and dry in your usual manner.

Even the hardest flakiest stains come off with this method, and it has been a real boon to my hands and nails, not to mention my poor over used teapot!



Anonymous said...

Wow! Now, are your coffee cups as small as these Italian ones?

dragonsue said...

No Angela, I'm ashamed to say our cups are in reality half pint mugs and the teapot is a 3 pinter! We like our caffeine fix in this house! ;-)