Thursday, 6 November 2008

Crochet socks update

My crochet socks endeavours, (which are really slipper socks), are so successful I am now ploughing ahead and making a pair for each day of the week!

The slipper sock pattern, which I posted a link to previously, is perfect for the job, and the only adjustment I make is to the length of the leg, which in the pattern is an increase of 11 stitches, and I do 31 to get them that little bit longer in the leg.

Even time wise they are great, as one sock can be made in a couple of hours while watching TV!

The socks are ultra warm, really comfortable, and use up those spare balls of wool you always land up with, so are ultra cheap to make too! (Though I do have to admit to buying four balls of wool from the hospital charity shop yesterday while visiting my Father in Law, but only because they were a price I couldn’t resist!) And last but not least, they wash well with no shrinkage! What more can a girl ask of a sock pattern?


Anonymous said...

I have still yet to make myself a pair of crocheted socks

dragonsue said...

Come on Riohnna, winter will be over before you make some at this rate! lol