Sunday, 9 November 2008

I am so excited!

Three days ago I got a post from a newsletter I receive from frugal zeitgeist asking for people to contribute to the blog, and very impulsively I replied straight away asking to be considered. Imagine my shock when I opened my emails the next day to discover I had been accepted! Yes, ‘little old me’ is going to be adding my quirky touch to all things frugal!

Okay, it is still early days, and we have to see how well Forest likes my writing on a regular basis, but this is a real boost for me, and I am very enthusiastic about getting ‘stuck in’!

The down side is this comes at a time when I am already struggling fitting everything in, but hey, we make our own priorities, and this is very high on my list, so it will get done, even if poor Hubby has to make his own dinners!

Of course, cuddling the cat, working the allotment, making my own winter clothes and presents, and finding new frugal/green/self-sufficient-ish ways are still high on my list of priorities, so have no fear!

Which reminds me, keep your eyes open for a hot/cold Christmas Curry Sauce recipe I’ll be posting in the next few days, it is cheap, delicious, AND dead easy to make! It sounds too good to be true, but trust me, it really does live up to the build-up I'm giving it!


Anonymous said...

Congrats.. I'm sure you'll do well coming up with articles for the newsletter.

Forest Parks said...

Hey Sue,

Very happy to have to aboard... Don't worry too much about posting frequency, it won't be too much more than once a week to start.

Your article is great and I will be posting it tomorrow under your name.

I was supposed to do it today but sadly broke my glasses this weekend and was blind for two days!! So fell behind :)