Wednesday, 5 November 2008

When life gets on top of you.

I like to think I am not the only person in this world who sometimes feels as if they can’t cope with everything happening in their life, and that is where I am at the moment.

My poor Father in Law has been in hospital for the last four weeks, and I have wanted desperately to visit him a lot more often than I have, but there is just so much to do at the moment.
On Monday the hospital phoned to say he would be coming home on Thursday, so I arranged my week around that, and the need to go to his house to warm it up for him, and do his shopping etc. Yesterday they phoned to say he wouldn’t be home until next Tuesday! So what’s happened? Well I again have to postpone the things I had planned to do while doing Father in Laws shopping, (the area he lives in has some handy shops, and my bank is there too!)

The allotment, I had hoped, would have scaled down a bit by now, seeing as we have had our first frosts of the year, but I still have peas, carrots, kale, cabbages, onions, garlic, leeks and potatoes going strong! And that’s not including what is growing in the greenhouse and shed! (Mushrooms in the shed, melons, aubergines, coriander, basil, and lettuce and cat grass in the greenhouse!). On top of all that, we are still less than half way to getting the beds made for next years planting, and we still have to choose and order the seeds….and I’m not even going to mention the building plans we have! The wildlife area still needs a lot of work, and the ponds need regular clearing of dead leaves, and a new leaf compost has just been built and needs to be filled, and there sure isn’t a shortage of leaves to do it with, it is just so time consuming crawling around the beds gathering the things!

Winter is coming and I am desperately trying to make myself some nice comfy clothing, from socks to jumpers and everything in between, but the shop I buy my yarn from is where my Father in Law lives, (see above), besides I’m finding it hard to find the time to make them.

Christmas is also coming, (faster than ever this year!) and I usually make a lot of my own cards and presents. This year I am so behind on all of that, because I have spent my time learning and doing the allotment, and learning how to make butter, cheese and jam, none of which I am good enough at yet to present as presents!

Then there are my health problems, which have over the last four or five weeks raised their ugly heads again. Five weeks ago I had a giddy spell down the allotment and walked into a piece of angle iron which my husband was using as a boundary marker. It cut and bruised my leg quite badly, and the last of the scab is only just coming off now. Then four days ago I had another giddy spell, which made me slip and fall on my butt with a bit of a thump, so you can just guess where the bruise is, but I also hurt my right shoulder and wrist and left elbow, effectively putting both arms on restricted movement.

Three weeks ago my doctor said he suspected my thyroid meds weren’t at the right level again and asked me to have my bloods checked, but I have difficulty getting to the hospital on my own, so have to wait for a time when hubby fit it around his work, and I’m still waiting, so I’m still struggling with being just that little bit slower, both mentally and physically.

They say time is money, and it’s true. This Christmas is going to cost a bit more this year, just because I don’t have the time to do everything I normally do!


Anonymous said...

Wow, if I lived closer, I would gladly help you. HUGGZZZ!!!

dragonsue said...

Just being able to write about it helps a lot, in some ways it's even better than talking! lol
And you know Riohnna, that the feeling is totally reciprocated!